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Fire & Water - Cleanup & Restoration

24/7 Water Restoration Services in Rockaway Park

6/8/2024 (Permalink)

drying mat on floor SERVPRO can restore water damaged flooring in Rockaway Park by using drying mats. We have many more options. Here To Help®

Comprehensive Water Damage Restoration

Water damage in Rockaway Park can be a significant challenge for homeowners. Professional water restoration services are crucial to mitigating damage and restoring the property to a safe, comfortable condition for residents. This rapid-response service can also address mold spores and odors associated with water damage.

Water restoration services in Rockaway Park are available when a disaster occurs. SERVPRO® offers comprehensive water damage cleanup solutions tailored to the community's needs. This team receives extensive training in the science behind water damage, how it progresses, and how to mitigate it.

The Importance of Water Restoration for Rockaway Park Homes

Water damage can lead to numerous problems in a property if left unaddressed for protracted periods. Some of the most common issues include:

  • Structural damage on and behind walls, floors, and ceilings
  • Mold growth and related odors
  • Damage to electrical systems and appliances
  • Warping and rotting of wood, including wall studs and furniture framing

Promptly addressing these issues is essential for keeping long-term damage and costly repairs at bay.

How SERVPRO of Rockaway Park Eliminates Water Damage

SERVPRO effectively remediates water damage using advanced equipment and techniques for inspecting water-damaged spaces and cleanup solutions tailored to a property's structure and contents. Their professional approach ensures the damage is addressed thoroughly from start to finish, without the risk of secondary damages. 

  • SERVPRO removes excess water from the property using commercial-grade extractors, mops, and vacuums, shortening the drying process.
  • Strategically positioned, high-speed air movers and dehumidifiers dry out the affected areas.
  • SERVPRO uses EPA-registered antimicrobials to disinfect and clean surfaces, ensuring the property is safe for occupants.

Water restoration also includes repairs like replacing drywall and repairing flooring, depending on the extent and location of the damage.

With SERVPRO of The Rockaways, Coney Island, our professional expertise, disaster can seem "Like it never even happened." Rockaway Park residents can call (718) 400-9051 for comprehensive cleanup services.

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